Halloween is upon us and the Fort Lauderdale offshore fishing is so good, it’s scary! We at Lady Pamela Sportfishing continue to help our clients take part in the great fishing by catching offshore superstars like Mahi Mahi, Wahoo, Kingfish, Tunas, Bonitos, Sailfish, Amberjacks, Sharks, Barracuda, Snappers, Tarpon and more! However, one fish is stealing the spotlight right now: Swordfish!

We remain open for business and the entire Lady Pamela Sportfishing Team is in full compliance with all CDC and local health guidelines to do our part to keep everyone healthy.
NOW is the time to book your October/November fishing trip – especially a “bucket-list” Swordfish adventure – so that we can get you on the bite to take advantage of the immense fall bait migrations that make Fort Lauderdale the epicenter of Fall sportfishing and attract anglers from around the USA and the world!
Not too long ago, if you wanted to book a Swordfishing trip, you had to spend all night offshore, fishing 4-6 baits at one time and you were lucky to get a single bite in a night. Recent innovations in tackle and tactics have opened up Daytime Swordfishing to catch Swordfish weighing anywhere from 80 to 500 pounds. As a result, Fort Lauderdale has become one of the world’s premier Swordfishing destinations.

Even though “Daytiming” for Swordfish has exploded in popularity, this type of fishing requires a skilled crew and specially-tailored tackle. Fortunately for our clients, Lady Pamela Sportfishing posseses plenty of BOTH. All of our vessels are equipped with the latest electric reels and terminal tackle to help you bring home one of these amazing creatures.
When you come Swordfishing with us at Lady Pamela Sportfishing, we’ll set up in 1,800 to 2,000 feet of water, approximately 20 miles offshore. We’ll drop down several rigged baits, typically squid or king mackerel, on specially-rigged terminal tackle attached to electric reels. The strike can be very subtle and you’ll need our skilled crew to know when to start reeling up. Then, you’re on!

What follows is an amazing slugfest that ends with a slashing, bill-wiping display on the surface of the water! This is truly something to behold! What follows is a delicate ballet to harpoon the Swordfish and bring it aboard for the trip back to the dock.
There are few fish that are as prized for their table value as Swordfish. They are tasty indeed and you would not believe how much meat can be harvested from a single Swordfish – nothing gets wasted.
Call us NOW to book your trip and experience this amazing Swordfish action and check it off of your bucket list!
Plenty of Mahi Mahi

Mahi Mahi are still enjoying the glut of baits that are migrating south. We continue to put our clients on fantastic Mahi Mahi fishing from 200 feet of water all the way out to 2,000 feet of water and beyond. The Mahi Mahi are weighing in from 10 to 30 pounds on both live bait in close and trolling bonito strips and rigged ballyhoo out beyond the reef.
More and More Sailfish
As if the Sailfish bite wasn’t good enough, we’re seeing greater numbers of Sailfish showing up behind the migrating bait schools as they get an early start on their winter break down in South Florida.

We’re still catching Sailfish on the troll with live and rigged ballyhoo but we’re also starting to do more kite fishing as the winds become steadier. We’re having our best Sailfish action in 90 to 300 feet of water.
Wahoo, Kings and Cudas – Call the Dentist!
The Wahoo bite has been picking up as we experience the October and November “harvest” moons. The Wahoos we catch during the Fall tend to be huge and we keep our tackle in tip-top conditions to be ready for these rocket ships!

We’ve been catching Wahoo in 150 to 2,000 feet of water fishing a mix of live baits and trolled mullet strips or bonito strips either on a downrigger or planer to get the baits down in the water column. When the bonitos are plentiful, we love to slow troll a few “bullets” to see the amazing topwater bites from these huge Wahoo.
Kingfish and Barracuda continue to be active from 75 to 250 feet of water and are pouncing on our live baits or trolled strip baits and feathers.

As we have stated before, “Kings” and “Cudas” are beautiful, acrobatic fish that are “tackle busters” and make you earn every yard of line that you gain on the reel. Kingfish are nicknamed “Smokers” not only because of their hyperspeed runs but because they make fantastic smoked fish dip. This action will only get better as we get deeper into the Fall season.
Sharks and More Sharks
Shark fishing continues to be great as thousands of sharks follow the migrating baitfish to South Florida. We are starting or even ending our trips by targeting big sharks such as Hammerheads, Tiger Sharks, Blacktips and Silky Sharks.

The best shark baits continue to be either a live Bonito or dead Bonito or Kingfish dropped down in 300 feet of water. We are also fishing live or dead mullet in the middle of the massive bait schools to hook up Hammerheads and acrobatic Spinner Sharks and Blacktip Sharks. These things are amazing when they corckscrew 6 feet out of the water!
Amberjacks Pulling as Hard as Ever

Our clients continue to tangle with huge Amberjacks on the wrecks using jigs and live baits sent down into their secret “lairs.” When you catch one of these brutes, you have earned your keep!
Tarpon Fishing is Hot!

The Mullet Run is here, which means that our Tarpon trips are filling up fast! Book your trip now to battle these legendary, prehistoric yet majestic fish! Bring the kids! Our Junior Anglers are loving this red-hot bite! Our clients are catching Tarpon ranging in size from 25 pounds to 150 pounds! This is an amazing experience and you do not want to miss out!
Drift Fishing Report: Ring the Dinner Bell
On the Lois Ann, our daily trips – 3 each day – are producing Kingfish, Tuna, Bonito, Barracuda, Amberjack and a host of Snapper and Grouper. Our nighttime trips have been producing huge numbers of Yellowtail Snappers. Keep in mind that the Lois Ann is limited to a certain number of anglers per trip due to CDC guidelines. This is great news for YOU as you have plenty of room to fish multiple lines! Book a trip NOW to get in on this amazing action after the sun goes down.
For only $45, come on aboard and gain access to some of the hardest-fighting and tastiest fish that swim. We’re the best fishing value in all of South Florida! Remember all ages and experience levels are always welcome. We have a captain and mate on board to help you at all times. We also have one of the cleanest vessels in the southeastern US and we have a fully-stocked galley to keep you hydrated and well-fed!
Come join us to enjoy this fantastic Fall offshore and inshore action!
Tight Lines and Happy Halloween,
Captain David