Monster Shark Week 1 – Offshore Ft Lauderdale

Mike and his son Ellie spend their holiday season in Miami Beach every year. Smart People; it beats plowing snow any day of the week. Ellie always wanted to catch a hammerhead, so we headed out to 50 ft of water and were bailing king mackerels left and right. We walked away with 6 kings and fresh bait to hook a game shark. We put 3 bloody kings out in 350 ft of water and got a bite within 20 minutes. The balloon went under and the rod started screamin! Captain Paul gunned the boat ahead and Ellie wasted no time jumping into the fighting chair. Mike was by his side as they fought this sea monster for well over an hour. We were gaining line slowly but surely. The hammerhead came to the surface and was roughly 9 ft long weighing in at 350 lbs. Awesome catch guys!

Tight Lines!
Captain David Ide