Bonitos, Dolphin & Sailfish offshore Ft Lauderdale

December 14th, 2008
Tommy and Carrie Myers traveled from Alabama to come fishing aboard the Lady Pamela II for a little fun in the sun today. Tommy oftens fishes the Gulf of Mexico for red snapper where they have to run 40 miles to hit fertile grounds. It was a shocker to them how close to shore we fish here in Fort Lauderdale. I guess you can say we’re spoiled, we only have to run about a mile or two to hit 300 feet of water. We headed out of Shallow Harbor and loaded up on live goggle eyes from the local bait boat. As soon as we hit open waters, the kites were popped and we were ready to catch some fish. Within ten minutes, a huge bonito ate the right short bait and gave Terry a run for his money. It was one of the biggest bonitos I have ever seen. Darin had fresh baits back in the water for round two and a 10 lb dolphin ate the right long bait. Our trip then came to a hault as sea sickness started to kick in with Terry and his wife. No biggie, Tommy and Carrie had another day of fishing ahead of them the next day.

Brian Furman, a repeat angler of the Lady Pamela II, brought his nephew, Matt, from the Windy City to Fort Lauderdale to show him what deep sea fishing is all about. Another buddy of his, Big Country, joined the team as well. Matt was interested in joining the US Coast Guard, until he hit open waters and it was blowin’ like stink out! Seas were rough, but conditions were perfect. We set up at the local bouy with the kites flying high and a sailfish ate the left short. Matt jumped into the fighting chair and reeled in an 80″ sailfish. Darin had the baits back in the water and in no time another sail ate. Big Country called shot gun and landed his first sailfish ever, a 5 footer. Awesome day of fishing out there!

Tight Lines!
Captain David Ide