Bull Shark caught aboard the Lady Pamela II; Fishing in Ft Lauderdale

June 10th, 2010
This afternoon, Captain Paul and Mike set sail with Ken and his sons on a 4 hour fishing adventure in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The Lady Pamela II headed out Ft Lauderdale’s Port Everglades looking for some Mahi – Mahi. The Mahi were around but too small in size to keep. They caught 6 Mahi – Mahi trolling the bluewater edge and 4 King Mackerel fish around 10lbs. After 10 fish, they packed up with their 4 King Mackerel and hit the road; to the stinkhole it was! Captain Paul led the group to 150 ft of water and within 30 minutes a 7 ft Bull Shark ate. Check out the teeth on this thing.
Bull sharks are aggressive, common, and usually live near high-population areas like tropical shorelines.
Bull sharks get their name from their short, blunt snout, as well as their pugnacious disposition and a tendency to head-butt their prey before attacking; Game Shark Fishing in Ft Lauderdale
They are gray on top and white below, and the fins have dark tips; Fort Lauderdale Deep Sea Fishing

Tight Lines!

Captain David Ide
